The program

Friday, 16 November

  • arrival and check-in at the youth hostel in Breisach
  • first get-together

Saturday, 17 November

  • presentation of participants and organisers, and of the course programme
  • various games, reflections and theoretical input on identity, identity construction, and difference
  • introduction to publishing content on the project blog

Sunday, 18 November

  • further games and exercises, reflection of own experiences and opinions about diversity and (in)tolerance
  • intercultural evening

Monday, 19 November

  • trip to nearby Freiburg (by train):
    visit to local broadcasting station Radio Dreyeckland and other organisations in Freiburg dealing with multicultural audiences and target groups
  • free afternoon
  • movie

Tuesday, 20 November

  • workshop sessions (three parallel groups working with different methods on a topic of their choice - radio, theatre, photo/text)
  • half-time evaluation

Wednesday, 21 November

  • continuation of workshop
  • Skype discussion with Dr Franziska Brantner (Member of the European Parliament for the Green Party) (15.45-16.45 pm)
  • movie

Thursday, 22 November

  • final session of workshops, completion of practical results
  • free time

Friday, 23 November


Saturday, 24 November

  • presentation of YOUTHPASS
  • presentation and discussion of final workshop results
  • final evaluation, reflection and discussion of the entire programme
  • free afternoon
  • handing out the certificates, farewell party

Sunday, 25 November

  • departure of all participants

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