The venue

Our youth exchange "Celebrate the Difference!" will take place in the youth hostel in the small town of Breisach, right on the French-German border.

In October, the organising team of the youth exchange had the chance to go Breisach and take a closer look at the house and its facilities. Here are some impressions to give you an idea about the place:

Breisach youth hostel from the outside
Inside it is very spacious and welcoming:

Camille is making enquiries at the reception
Some technical remarks: We will all be accommodated in rooms with 4-5 beds. Bed sheets will be provided, but everyone should bring their own towels. We need to check whether there are also laundring facilities - if not (which is rather likely), then there should be a laundrette in Breisach itself. It will be useful to have a bottle and a cup/mug for beverages (tea, water etc.).

Speaking of Breisach: This is a small but friendly town, right on the border with France. It is well connected with nearby Freiburg by train (the so-called Breisgau S-Bahn, BSB), whose timetables can be found here. There are various shops in Breisach, big as well as small, and in our lunch breaks it should be possible to take a stroll into town and take a coffee or something:

Größere Kartenansicht

Should you have questions about anything, you can post them as a comment underneath this page.

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