06 December 2012

Unser Besuch beim Europarat

"Alle Menschen werden Brüder..."

Endlich! Heute stand unsere Fahrt nach Strasbourg auf dem Plan, auf die wir uns alle schon riesig gefreut haben. Nach unserer Führung und den Gesprächen im Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte machten wir Pause in einem nahe gelegenen Tierpark, welchen uns Michel, Kevin und Marc zeigten und gestärkt durch Kaffee, Wasser oder „Orangina“ gingen wir zum Europarat zurück, in dem eine weitere Führung auf uns wartete.

Angekommen warteten wir eine Weile, bis uns ein großer Security-Mann unsere Schilder gab, unsere Sachen gescannt wurden und eine nette Frau auf uns zu kam und sich uns als unsere Führerin durch den Europarat vorstellte.

05 December 2012

Skype conference with Franziska Brantner

After the free time in Freiburg and Colmar we had the chance to have a skype conference with Franziska Brantner from Germany, Member of the European Parliament for the European Green Party (Greens/EFA group).

Source: ???
Some days before we prepared the questions that we needed to know about many topics like European Expansion, Croatians entry, Kosovo road, the future of Youth in Action, Erasmus etc. She reserved some time from her agenda to answer and make us clear many problems that concerns us.
We sent the questions two nights before the call. During the conference she was so spontaneous with us and spent even her preparation time to answer our endless questions.

Keine Waffen für Assad!
This was a wonderful experience for all participants of “Celebrate the difference” and I am sure it was helpful for peoples involved in politics, youth working and people who are asking for main rights as is free movement.

International Volunteer Day

International Volunteer Day (IVD) - (December 5) is an international observance designated by the United Nations since 1985.
The declared aim of this activity is to thank the volunteers for their efforts and increase public awareness on their contribution to society. The day is celebrated in majority countries of the world.
The International Volunteer Day is marked by many non-governmental organizations, including Red Crossscouts and others. It is also marked and supported by United Nations Volunteers.

Happy day to everyone who feels volunteer :)