20 November 2012

The journey to Breisach

The hostel by the Rhine
My journey began in the morning. Driving to the town of Skopje, once again I was looking at the passing landscape of my country. Thankfully, we had only one mere setback that did not cause any significant delay, for we had to arrive at the airport in time. When we did, I was surprised to see the changes in the complex. New pillars and bricks and paint, but the chaotic aura of the Macedonians still lingers on. After a time, we entered the terminal and finally in the plane itself. The flight lasted little under an hour. Near the end of it, I looked out the window and saw mountains stretching into the clouds and it was an admirable sight.

Once we reached Germany, we were nearly on the other side of the country so the next phase of the journey was to go by train. I have no significant events to enter regarding the train, except that we missed one train and since we the people of the Balkans are not quite familiar with the west, we nearly panicked but that was short lived. Then came the night and to me it was a difficult one. Sitting in the train, tired but unable to sleep, all I could do was endure. And that I did. Of course before nightfall I was still observing the landscape we were passing by, another sight worth seeing. The journey ended and when it did, we were in a small but nice little town and were driven to the hostel and since it was late at night I went to sleep in my room almost right away.

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