24 November 2012

The youth exchange "Celebrate the Difference" for me...

I am pleased to be a part of this youth exchange. I rarely have a chance to attend seminars and workshops, so this one I find quite amusing. I have almost no notes. Just the lack of punctuality.

I am having a great time here. I met a lot of new people and gained some new friendships. I learned a lot about other cultures and diversity between all of as and we spent a lot of time discussing it. I also learned a lot about myself and my view on the world.

So far, only positive and satisfying words. I love the place, people are great, workshops are interesting and funny and the time spent here is priceless. Go, go Germany‼

I like the people, the workshops, the activities and Freiburg. I`m very happy and glad for being here in Breisach…There are so many different and individual persons and cultures, that I can`t explain, what is the best. I just love it.

We are working in teams and I love it. I`m having fun during improving my skills!

This youth exchange is really nice and I like it too much. I met very nice people! I made very nice friend and the trainers are great. We are working usually in groups and it`s very cool :) I`m so happy that I`m here.

Youth exchange is a very good experience for me. I have met many friends which are so friendly and nice people . I always will remember this.

I was a little worried about what to expect: would the other participants include me, even if they had known each other already before? It turns out they did. This illustrates one of my positive impressions that is easy to start conversations with each other even if you don't have too many things in common . That is after all what "Celebrate the difference" should be about : to be open minded and interested in each other and our different cultures.

I like too much this Youth Exchange . Now we are working in groups and I like this . I am having fun here.

My overall impression is pretty good . I have met very beautiful people , which are creative young and ambitious . I love this place and I hope that it will remain as one of the most important cultural exchange events in history of the hostel.

I like this experience because I learned a lot of new things, like to be self confident to talk with everybody. I am very happy to talk with so many people from many different countries.

This experience is  very good for me , my mind . I am happy to meet so many people from different countries <3 .

This experience has helped me to understand and see some things I did not understand before . It was the first time that I talked about my personal  experience , it was very emotional for me but also a relief . I hope this kind of training will target even more people in the future . It may be quiet informative for many.

It has been a great experience in which I have met very interesting young people through the games we are playing and talking to them make me feel really good as I hear different lifestyles than mine . I especially like morning energizers , they are so much fun . It has been creative and makes me think about discrimination and what to do to change it.

It is a very amazing experience for me to meet people from everywhere and be reconnected with the world . I hope to be able very soon to organize or to participate other exchanges like this all around the world . If someone ask if you want to participate to some Youth Exchange like this don't hesitate drop it like it's hot .( do it before it's too late.

This is my first youth exchange. It's such a different experience from what I have expected and it's getting better day after day. And now I am having fun working in small groups and visiting wonderful places.

International and multicultural experiences are one of the things that make me smile in life. This one, concretly, gave me the opportunity to know persons from a lot of new countries,new languages and different ways of living or thinking. I´ll take with me the energizing excersices, the games, the experience and stories of all of them and a lot of new glasses to see the world with. Thank you everyone for this nice week!

It was sooooo greaaaatttt,thank you people for the lovely time spent here..It was really nice to meet  all of you.I have to say this is not my first exchange but this is one of my greatest exchange that always cherish forever on my mine.I hope we will stay in contact and one day we will make reunion all together :)

It's really nice to be here. As I thought it is a special experience. Meeting youth people , sharing ideas with the others, visiting  new places is always the best thing you can do. It's a pleasure to be participant in this YE and to celebrate the differences :)

It was my first youth-exchange. I liked it so much, the trips, people, hostel, everything. Hope to keep in touch with everybody because our team was great.

This youth exchange in Breisach has been very intersting and full of very good activities that I liked a lot. I made a lot of new friends, shared a lot of experiences. Diversity is being celebrated here in Breaisch, and I enjoied to be part of the celebration.

I have no words to describe this experience. I had the opportunity to meet very nice people and I had a unique experience. This Youth Exchange was great for me ;) I will miss you all!

It was an amazing opportunity and everyday was so rich in new experiences and impressions. I got the chance to not only meet people from countries I would have  otherwise never gotten to know, but I also made friends with them. Looking back now, time passed sooo fast!


The project "Celebrate the Difference!" is co-financed from the EU programme YOUTH in Action, German national agency.

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